They stood around the edges of the room, unsure what to expect. They were developers or visionaries or businesspeople. They all wanted to be part of launching a successful startup. They would have only about 2 days to make that dream come true.
But first, I had something important to share with them: instructions for a craft project.
During Startup Weekend, participants create a business within just 54 hours (forming teams, honing a business model, pitching their idea to judges). Chandler’s Startup Weekend 2012 included a pre-event mixer that the organizers had asked me to put together. They wanted a craft project that would also serve as an ice breaker to help potential teammates get to know each other. I didn’t know of any activity like that, so I invented one.

The participants who showed up to the optional mixer had no idea it would involve pipe cleaners, scrapbook paper, glue and scissors. But I tasked them with creating several pieces of “wearable art” (left up to their interpretation) within a time limit (of course) and then trading their creations with the other aspiring-entrepreneurs-turned-crafters in the room.
I encouraged them to be creative and make awesome stuff – both during the crafting mixer and throughout their startup-building weekend. It was interesting to see how different people approached their task: waffling or diving in, chatting or isolating themselves, overthinking their first piece or remembering the big picture, panicking about the deadline or taking it all in stride.
I was impressed with their creativity. They created pipe cleaner eyeglasses, paper necklaces, ties, tiaras, aprons, bracelets, rings.
It was an unorthodox way to break the ice, but it got people making things and talking to each other. It also revealed how they approach the creative process, time pressure, instruction, and collaboration.
Are you thinking about launching a startup?
You should definitely do a craft project with your potential team first.
You also might like to consider taking part in a Startup Weekend where you are. The next Startup Weekend Chandler is this weekend (11/15-17), and there is still time to register. Just sayin’.
Update: I totally forgot I had a discount for you guys! Use promo code BURN for 25% off when you register for Startup Weekend Chandler 2013.