What do you take to a con?


I was thinking about how you prepare to be at a convention or conference all day. You want to be ready for the long day ahead, but you don’t want to schlep around more than you need.

While I was waiting for a session to start at Phoenix Comicon, I popped open my bag and took a photo. Here’s what was in there:

Water – If it’s not provided, I bring water. If the con is in Arizona, you should bring water either way.

Snacks (not pictured – they were in the front pocket) – When you (I) get hungry and cranky, no one wins.

Sweater – Surprisingly necessary in oft over air conditioned conference rooms, even when it’s 110 degrees outside.

Charger(s) – I generally bring chargers for any electronic devices I have with me. Jonathan Simon had a great idea (which I included in my Phoenix Comicon guide) about bringing a portable power strip, since there are often more hungry phones around than outlets (especially late in the day.)

Glasses case and sunnies – Escaping to the outside world during the day can be nice.

Small notebook and pen – Sometimes it’s just quicker and easier. And super handy if you want to make notes without draining your phone battery (or if it’s already too late).

Purse – I was in a rush, so I just threw the whole thing in – wallet, makeup, tissues, business cards, and whatever other randomness I had in there. But, usually, I’ll pare it down quite a bit.

Flyers – Those just tend to accumulate throughout the day, don’t they?

What’s in your bag when you’re at a convention or conference?