When Reason Sleeps

Guernica painting by Picasso

I am writing this the morning after the U.S. presidential election. Confused, sad, grasping for words, and tired already of news outlets’ attempts at explanations and of social media finger pointing.

El sueño de la razón produce monstruos. --Goya

I keep thinking of Francisco Goya’s work, El sueño de la razón produce monstruos, “The sleep of reason produces monsters”.

I think I first saw the etching in Madrid the same day I stood dwarfed in front of Pablo Picasso’s Guernica, which depicts townspeople suffering the horrors of war unleashed by Nationalists. That also seems like a fitting work to contemplate just now.

Guernica by Picasso

Today I feel as if reason has been sleeping, and we don’t know what monsters we have unleashed.

Images 1 (public domain) + 2 (fair use) via Wikimedia.

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