Share your #LocalArtLoves!

What art do you love in your part of the world?

Between now and Valentine’s Day (February 14th), I’ll be sharing some of my local faves, and I hope you’ll do the same! Keep an eye out for art in galleries, coffee shops, libraries, and even outside.

Local Art Loves

Post photos of the local art you love and/or your own work with #LocalArtLoves.

Art is so important. Let’s celebrate what people are creating in our communities!

I’m looking forward to seeing art from your town, and I’ll share a sampling of your Local Art Loves here too.


PS If you blog about it, feel free to add a link when you comment here.


Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space


13 Replies to “Share your #LocalArtLoves!”

  1. What a great idea! We have SO much great art in Rochester. We have the Art Walk, the Neighborhood of the Arts, the Memorial Art Gallery, Artisan Works, and a zillion galleries and things. I love the unexpectedness of the art walks, and the gorgeously (or sometimes pithily) painted transformer boxes in neighborhoods in the city. I guess I have some walking and photograph taking to do! :)

    1. Thanks! You can join in with a post on your blog. No additional tech required. As the Wizard of Oz said, “You had the power all along!”

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