April 2018: Downtown Tucson

San Jacome park Downtown Tucson

We visited Tucson in April for the Arizona International Film Festival.

I was drawn to patches of bright colors downtown near The Screening Room


  1. Bistro tables in Jacome Plaza.
  2. Geometric floor pattern in Hub Ice Cream Factory.
  3. Planters with these red flowers the hummingbirds must love!
  4. Citrus and a blue quail in a mural by Isaac Caruso.

Citrus mural Downtown Tucson

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

11 Replies to “April 2018: Downtown Tucson”

  1. How beautiful and vibrant! I love the bistro tables, and the oranges/quail. So cheerful and happy and spring-y. I hope you had fun!

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