Room with a View in Big Sur

I saw this image on Pinterest of what looked like a tiny cabin with large picture windows. The caption said “Big Sur,” but the link was broken.

big sur rental

A few years ago, Phillip and I drove down Highway 1 through Big Sur – wooded mountains on one side and cliffs dropping off into the ocean on the other. It is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been.

Which may be why, in a late-night, insomnia-fueled obsession, I had to find out more about the place in the photo.

Big Sur trailer rental by Brian G.

Eventually, I spotted it in a vacation-rental listing in Big Sur.

The listed lodging is this cute vintage trailer nestled in a valley and off the grid.

Big Sur rental trailer by Richard W.

A few yards away is the “cabin,” which turns out to actually be the bathroom, housing a cast iron tub with an ocean view.

Big Sur lodging by Joe S.

It’d be a nice place to soak awhile, don’t you think?




  1. Angela Elser.
  2. Brian G.
  3. Richard W.
  4. Joe S.


Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

9 Replies to “Room with a View in Big Sur”

  1. Gorgeous. Though my first thought was “for a visit” and not “to live there.” Because… having to go outside to get to the bathroom would get old.

    1. To clarify, we drove through the area a few years back but didn’t have time to stay overnight. I just saw this trailer online recently. So we didn’t stay there…just dreaming. :)

  2. It’s beautiful! I would be terrified to stay there, though. It seems too close to the edge for my comfort, and walking to the bathroom in a separate tiny building in the middle of the night would be so scary. I really need to get a grip and embrace the nature, but I am a scaredy-cat! (and too much of a heavy packer to survive in a tiny trailer…) :) It would be awfully quiet and private though, which I would adore. Neat spot!

    1. I agree! The idea of a tiny house really appeals to me. However, in reality, Phillip and I are both probably too big of pack rats to make that work. So a short stay would be a good way to get a tiny house fix. :)

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