Citrus Season in the Southwest

Citrus at tucson market

It’s citrus season here in Phoenix! Farmers’ markets and roadside stands are overflowing with oranges, grapefruit, and lemons (so is my Instagram feed).

When we were in Tucson just before Christmas, there were baskets of beautifully bright oranges, tangerines, and kumquats at the Thursday Farmers’ Market at Mercado San Agustin.

Citrus park in Riverside, CA

California Citrus Historic State Park in Riverside, which we’ve enjoyed visiting when we’re in Southern California, currently has extended hours for the season and special events like a harvest tasting on February 26.

The Pasadena Farmers’ Market lists lemons, navel oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and tangelos as being in season right now. (When I was there this summer, it was piles of peaches and pecks of peppers.)

Pasadena farmers market

On the theme of citrus…

What’s in season where you are?

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

15 Replies to “Citrus Season in the Southwest”

  1. It’s been many days in a row of gloomy, dreary weather here in PA. Today there is sunshine! And this feels just as spectacular as the citrus fruits look in your pictures. Nothing is in season right now, but soon our days will get longer and the crocuses will pop up and then we can plant lettuce!

  2. I LOVE photos of markets!

    Of course, we’re in summer (though you wouldn’t know it if you looked outside!) right now, so all the berry fruit (strawberries and raspberries are my favourites) are just ending, and all the stone fruit (nectarines, peaches, plums, apricots) are all coming in now. We just picked a lot of beautiful lemons off my in-laws’ lemon tree too.

    And for vegetables – all those lovely tomatoes, capsicums, aubergines and zucchini are in season now, perfect for grilling and tossing into salads or ratatouille. Drool.

    1. Yum! That all sounds amazing! I was hoping you’d stop by and update us northerners on what’s in season in the Southern Hemisphere! :)

    1. Wow. I guess that’s why they did so much canning in the olden days. Glad to give you a window into a more colorful (at the moment) landscape!

  3. That looks so beautiful. You will be surprised to know this – but I have never seen oranges on a tree. Well, one concrete jungle Bangalore is :(
    Good for you to be able to see such beauties and enjoy the season.

    1. I’ve heard Bangalore is a very big city! To me, groves of orange trees are normal, but I know that’s not the case in cooler climates or concrete jungles.

  4. Definitely not the season of fresh citrus. I’m in Minnesota.. It’s weird, I’m not sure what is really in season. Probably nothing because it’s freezing here. Those pictures are so bright! I can’t wait until our farmers market come back this summer.

    1. That might be true! Of course, when your farmers’ markets are in full swing this summer, things here will be wilting in the heat.

  5. Gorgeous. I love the pops of color, the sunshinyness of all that citrus on the trees and in the baskets. Everything is so blah here, we don’t even have snow (although some is supposed to come tonight), so this is a treat for the eyes!

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