Coffee Sleeve Flower Press

I didn’t expect to be pressing flowers during this winter’s trip to Virginia, so I didn’t pack anything for that. But I ended up with a few rose petals from my cousin’s wedding I wanted to preserve.

Coffee sleeve flower press

I’d been wondering if a cardboard coffee sleeve could work as an on-the-go flower press, so I grabbed one from the hotel. Since the inside had ridges, I tore it at the seam and basically turned it inside out, sandwiching the petals between flat sides. It may not have been necessary, but I slipped another sleeve over the top just to help everything stay put. Then I clipped it all together with a hair clip.

Coffee sleeve flower press

It actually worked pretty well! I imagine you could also use binder clips or wedge the sleeve under something heavy in your suitcase to keep it flat. Another way to repurpose coffee sleeves for crafting!


Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

11 Replies to “Coffee Sleeve Flower Press”

    1. It probably would’ve worked better if I had taken time to lay them out flatter before pressing. But I kind of threw it all together while we were packing up for our flight home.

    1. Yeah! They can also press leaves, grass, etc. Might be fun for them to try different things and discover what works (or doesn’t!) on their own.

  1. Very clever! Though this just reminded me that I once had a flower press, and I have no clue where it went and if it still has flowers drying inside.

  2. Very clever. I’m going to have to remember this one coming up during graduation and wedding seasons.

    Oh, and thanks so much for your comment today. You said what I was wanting to say, only you needed may fewer words :-)

    1. Yes – and summer wildflower season!

      Regarding my other comment, the relationship between being accepting of yourself and being accepting of others has been on my mind a lot lately. Cool that we’re on the same page. :)

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