Craft Camp

Here are a few glimpses into this weekend’s Craft Camp!


Morning Sessions

The day started out at TechShop with coffee and pastries from GRAZ Kitchen Fresh and a keynote from Derek Neighbors of Gangplank.


The there were talks on selling your work via ecommerce and retail, product photography, and crafting for good (to benefit charity, etc.).


Kelli, Kitty, and I did our panel on blogging for crafters, and I’ll be posting links and resources from that later this week soon.


In between the morning and afternoon sessions, a bunch of us went over to ChopShop for lunch.



Afternoon Session

The afternoon was open crafting and networking time at Gangplank with a supply swap and wine and cheese hummus reception.


Eileen showed past CraftHack projects, Anne knitted, Lisa spun yarn on her portable spinning wheel (!), and Jennifer demonstrated how to use Japanese water brush for watercolor.

Everyone else just hung out and chatted, so it was a nice way to wrap up the day.



Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

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