Crafts You Carry


Anytime you see me, there’s a good chance I have my watercolor kit with me. It’s also not unusual to have a roll or two of washi tape in my bag and/or a few ultra fine tip Sharpies. Maybe a partly finished scrapbook. You never know when you might need to craft on a moment’s notice!


My friend Anne always has knitting with her. It has its own little bag. If she has to wait for someone or is in a conference session, she’s working on a scarf or a sweater or hat. Unlike my watercolors, she can knit without looking at her project much, so it’s particularly good for things like sitting in Phoenix Comicon panels.


Do you carry craft supplies or projects with you? What’s in your bag?

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

6 Replies to “Crafts You Carry”

  1. I love that watercolor kit! And I am a new washi tape convert. However, I don’t tend to carry crafting things with me. I am more likely to have a book with me, or my little pretty notebook of word searches. Most of the time it’s a book though. I always love being in waiting rooms and seeing people who aren’t staring at their phones and scrolling through stuff, who are doing something a bit more active!

  2. Yes! I love it! I carry washi tape samples (rolled onto a playing card or other nonstick surface), stickers, postcards, pretty pens, and stationery with me. And a journal. Always a journal. And definitely my camera. All these things help me breathe through the tough spots in the day.

  3. Oh, that’s cute. I can understand carrying knitting. But I don’t actually carry anything with me regularly, other than my phone or iPad to write. Writing or photography is my craft.

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