DIY Quilling Tool


Sometimes you have to get creative to get creative. Like with our monthly CraftHack meetups – they’re free, so that pushes us to be resourceful when it comes to providing materials and supplies.


Robin Corey volunteered to do last month’s demo on paper quilling, a technique that involves winding strips of paper around a tool to get spiral shapes.

While you can buy a quilling tool for around 8 bucks, ordering 20 for a free class would get pretty pricey.


She found a super solution buried in her Pinterest boards: make your own from a cork and a tapestry needle. Basically, stick the needle in the center of the cork and glue it, cut off the top with wire cutters, file any sharp edges, and you have a super inexpensive tool that makes winding strips of paper for quilling easy.

She made about 20 of them for less than the cost of buying just one, and we all got to take one home for future projects.


PS If you live in Phoenix and like to make stuff, make sure you’re planning to come to Craft Camp this Saturday!

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

7 Replies to “DIY Quilling Tool”

    1. Sure, I ended up just making a bunch of circles and then attaching them. I’m thinking of making it into a necklace (like Robin did – you can see hers in the photo of her above), but I didn’t get that far during CraftHack. I’ll try to remember to post a better photo later. For now, you can see an extreme closeup above (see purple swirly thing). It’s also in the upper right of this Craft Camp promo:

    1. I thought it was a great idea, too! Those quilling needles aren’t too bad if you’re just buying one, but the cost adds up.

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