Downtown Mesa Community Garden

There’s a community garden in Downtown Mesa that I’d heard about but hadn’t been to until my sister-in-law Liz was in town.

Mesa community garden

Isn’t it funny how you tend to see more of your city when someone is visiting?

Mural in urban garden, Mesa

Anyway, after lunch at Republica Empanada (at Hibbert and 1st Ave.), she asked about the gate next to the restaurant that leads into the Mesa Urban Garden, and we went to check it out.

I wasn’t expecting to see much, because August in Phoenix is rough on plants and only the most hardy survive. But there were still a fair number of things growing – veggies and vinca and this gorgeous trumpet vine with orange flowers and long green pods.

Community garden, Mesa

The garden is surrounded by walls with colorful murals, and there’s a Little Free Library made from an old phone booth.

I’ll definitely have to return later this fall!

Mesa garden

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

8 Replies to “Downtown Mesa Community Garden”

  1. Beautiful pictures! I love the blue benches with the orange trumpet vines. And I totally agree that you see more of your city when you have visitors, and you get to see it through different eyes. I want to set up a Little Free Library in my neighborhood — I LOVE that idea! A phone booth one would be awesome…protected from the weather AND ginormous, as the Little Free ones go.

    1. Maybe phone booth isn’t the right word. What do you call those pay phones that just have the plastic shields on either side? I’ll definitely have to post a photo.

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