Make a Travel Journal from Envelopes

The envelope travel journals we made in my most recent Southwest Maker Fest workshop came from a combination of this upcycled junk mail project and a simplified version of one my friend Trish came up with.

Envelope journal

The idea is that you can make them from just a couple envelopes and some string, and then have a pocket-sized way to record memories from your next trip.

Envelope journal

1. Fold an envelope in half – use a #10 (DL) envelope or experiment with other sizes, upcycle junk mail or reply envelopes, etc.

Envelope journal

2. Punch a hole or two in the center (on the fold).

Envelope journal

3. Cut the top flap at the fold or remove it altogether.

Envelope journal

4. Repeat with one or more envelopes.

Envelope journal

5. Thread yarn, string, or twine through the hole(s) of all the envelopes and tie them together. (Alternatively, you can bind the envelopes with ring binders, paper clips and/or rubber bands.)

Envelope journal

Envelope journal

The envelope outsides have become pages for writing, drawing, or collaging the story of your trip, and you can tuck momentos inside.

Envelope journal

Envelope journal

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

9 Replies to “Make a Travel Journal from Envelopes”

  1. I love that you have a space to tuck tickets and such inside. So much neater and it’s almost like opening a little gift to yourself.

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