Fountain Square Signs

We made it back from Indiana. The humidity wasn’t as bad as I’d worried it would be. The mosquitoes were surprisingly persistent, despite our super-strength deet. But the fireflies winked at us in the evenings, and we saw almost everyone we went out there to see.


At one point, we had just a little extra time to kill in Indianapolis, so we went and checked out the historic Fountain Square. Not much was open yet, but we did see some interesting architecture and vintage-looking signs I wanted to share – in case you’re as geeky about this stuff as I am.





Diamonds, anyone?

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

14 Replies to “Fountain Square Signs”

    1. Even though the buildings are old, I think the area is going through a bit of a resurgence, so it may not have been on the radar when she lived there. There are lots of interesting little corners of Indy I’d like to explore on a future trip.

    1. Thank you. We don’t get fireflies in Arizona, so I enjoy them if I’m in the Midwest. You just see these beautiful yellow-orange points of light floating through the air in summer evenings. You can probably find a better video elsewhere, but I did manage to capture a couple in the frame when I was recording fireworks:

    1. Thanks! And, yes, mosquitoes are not my friends. I watched the fireflies while huddled under a scarf to keep them off my neck and arms.

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