Hello world (travelers)

I don’t know why so many great ideas happen in the shower, but, the other day, I had sort of a revelation.

shower of ideas collage

I suddenly realized that the crafting/scrapbooking/creativity-in-your-everyday-life blog idea I had last year would actually mesh with the travel writing idea I had more recently. Neither one had really taken off yet. Each was like a puzzle piece that looks like it will fit – but then just doesn’t. So you put it aside and you wait.

Both of those concepts are about doing something you love when time, energy and/or money is limited. They are both about being creative, exploring, and engaging others along the way. They are both about living a memorable life and how to share those memories. You don’t have to go far to have an adventure, and you don’t have to be an artist to do something creative. It’s about the heart. And sometimes all it takes is looking up, breathing in your surroundings – your moment in time – and making something new from your experience.

The word that popped into my head while the hot water beat down on my shoulders was “travelcraft.” Travel as an art form, a way of life, a practice. I am figuring this out as I go, and I hope you’ll join, in whatever way works for you.

Those 2 ideas I mentioned? I think they found their perfect fit here.

Welcome to Travelcraft Journal.

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