January 2018: Eruption

Volcano at AZ Science Center

Since we couldn’t work a Naples/Pompeii visit into our Italy trip (another one of those trade-offs) even though I’d always wanted to go, I basically lost my mind when I read there would be an exhibition with artifacts from Pompeii at the Arizona Science Center here in Phoenix. Pompeii was coming to me!

Pompeii AZ exhibition

One of the events surrounding the exhibit was a simulation of the historic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius with lava flows projected onto the outside of the building, and smoke, bursts of flame, and “ash” coming from the top.

It was quite the spectacle. But I was honestly more moved by the exhibit inside, by household items that look just as they did when they were in use nearly 2000 years ago and by the tragic fate of people who possessed them.

The exhibition was very well done, putting the items in context with wall-sized photos of the architectural site and video reconstructions of the city.

It is in Phoenix through May, and I believe it will be on tour for awhile. I would definitely recommend seeing Pompeii if it comes to you.


Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

4 Replies to “January 2018: Eruption”

  1. Wow, that sounds amazing, and how lucky you got to see Pompeii in some way, even though you didn’t get to visit. The simulation of My. Vesuvius sounds amazing and I am definitely going to keep my eye out to see if it comes near me!

  2. Ooh, that sounds amazing. Pompeii is one of those things that is totally heartrending: the people caught in their final moments in a flash, the images are powerful. That’s so neat that they project an “eruption” like that — I don’t know if it will come to Rochester, but it sounds totally worth a visit!

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