July 2018: San Diego Shadows

Dragon tree shadows on the sidewalk

I think the fantastical plants I kept seeing around San Diego are called “dragon trees”.

coronado dragon trees

On the way back from Coronado Beach, I noticed the playful-looking shadows they cast on the sidewalk. So, once again, I stopped in my tracks to take a photo of the ground.

La Jolla Cove sunset

Other photo favorites from July include a sunset in La Jolla (San Diego) and Quijote looking at the ocean.

Dog at the beach

Have you seen anything interesting on the sidewalk lately?

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

4 Replies to “July 2018: San Diego Shadows”

  1. Love love love your photos.
    Stephanie – why don’t you join me on the Thursday Tree Love? The next edition is live tomorrow and I would love to see these trees there :) Check out the blog on Thursday and you will know what I say :)

  2. I love your photos, especially the beach sunset one with everything in silhouettes. Worth framing, that one!

    Those plants remind me a lot of NZ cabbage trees, which also create great shadows.

  3. Oooh, so pretty! I love the fun shadows. And Quixote! What a sweet face!

    I actually have a photo I’d love to send you, from the Cheekwood Estates botanical gardens in Nashville, where they had these garish plastic animals everywhere in an art installation, and this arbor over the Color Garden had a million multicolored plastic birds hanging from the archway, but when I looked at my pictures the shadows were really, really pretty. I’ll email it to you! :)

  4. I haven’t seen anything interesting on the sidewalk (except, unfortunately, for chewed gum) BUT that is a case where the shadow is even more interesting than the actual plant.

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