L.A. Photo Hunt during #BlogHer16!

The first year I went to BlogHer, I challenged myself and fellow attendees to a photo scavenger hunt. It was just a fun way to share what we were seeing of the city and connect.

This year, BlogHer is in LA, and I thought a SoCal photo scavenger hunt would be in order.

Downtown LA

If you’re in Los Angeles this week, see how many of the things on the list below you can spot. Tag photos #LAphotohunt16 on Instagram and/or Twitter.

  1. Palms
  2. Hollywood
  3. Sunglasses
  4. Stars
  5. Traffic
  6. Theme parks
  7. Studios
  8. Waves
  9. Santa Monica
  10. Your choice!

#10 is for whatever else you think belongs on the list.

Since conference schedules tend to be really packed, feel free to take some creative license! (Like I did the last time.)

Hollywood sign

The list has some room for interpretation. “Waves,” for example, could be in the ocean or your hair or when you’re saying hello to friends.

If you’re not going, feel free to post whatever you’re doing this weekend and tag it #notinLAphotohunt16.

Disneyland Anaheim
Afterwards, I’ll share some of the scavenger hunt results here. Can’t wait to see what you find!

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