March 2017 Photo: Geraniums

It’s been a really colorful spring with lots of wildflowers and a few new additions to our patio garden.

So, for March, I chose this photo of a couple geraniums Phillip rescued from some plant department clearance bin. We also have blooms on our nasturtiums and our dwarf pomegranate tree. The hummingbirds are loving it all, and so am I.


Runners up:

I considered posting a photo either from Southwest Maker Fest or coffee painting at CraftHack, like these two mini masterpieces by Niecy.

Coffee painting

Also, we spotted this bus the other day that said “Let’s be better humans.” I don’t know what the story is behind it, but it’s a good message!


Update: I found the Instagram account for the bus! I’m still not totally clear on what their campaign does, but they describe themselves as “a movement in love and humanity,” and that sounds like a good thing to me.

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

8 Replies to “March 2017 Photo: Geraniums”

  1. We should be better humans. Right now, I don’t think many people in the world (myself included) are doing a good job humaning.

    The colours of those first flowers are gorgeously intense.

    1. Yeah, it’s hard to know how to even be a good human at the moment.

      But, as for the flowers, they are really pretty. They weren’t blooming yet when Phillip got them, so we didn’t even know what color they’d be!

  2. Those are gorgeous! We’re lucky in that our landlords plant amazing flower gardens on our property, and all we have to do is enjoy the result. With my black thumb, it’s a very good thing. :)

  3. Oh, I love them all! I used to hate geraniums for some strange reason, but now I love them. Especially the ivy-type ones. Yours look downright tropical. The coffee painting — what a neat idea! I love the layers even though it’s all the same medium. And the cactus. AND THE BUS. We need more of that bus. I feel lately we live in a very strange world where being a better human is not rewarded. That is my goal in life, is to help people (especially the younger ones) become better humans. Myself included.

    1. I agree – but keep up the good work! I know you’re making the difference in the life of many little humans.

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