Mosquitoes may be stalking me.

The Sonoran Desert isn’t known for mosquitoes, but after an unusually wet September, they’re everywhere. It seems like I get new bites every time I leave the house – or don’t.


I finally resorted to pulling the bug repellent (ick) out of the cabinet, but that didn’t even work. Maybe it’s old. I’d like to find a natural (or at least less chemical-y) solution that works.

My great grandmother used to swear by Avon’s Skin-So-Soft for pretty much everything, including keeping mosquitoes away during humid Indiana summers. I also found an article with some interesting DIY natural repellent ideas, like putting baby oil or cider vinegar on your skin.

Have you tried any of these or found something else that works for you?

This is my Microblog Mondays post. More quick reads at Stirrup Queens!

12 Replies to “Mosquitoes may be stalking me.”

  1. My mom swore by Skin-So-Soft for mosquitoes too! My BIL says that rubbing yourself with a fabric softener/dryer sheet also repels mosquitoes (so, why don’t they stay away in general, then? My clothes always have that scent), but I haven’t really tried it. Smoke works, as well as a slight breeze. So, take up smoking and keep moving?

    Great colors in your photos!

    1. Haha! Yes, A, I think jogging while smoking is the healthiest option to keep away mosquitoes. ;)

      It’d be easy enough to try the dryer sheet method. I’ve got plenty of those around. Maybe the scent on clothes isn’t strong enough-? Or maybe your BIL made that up-?

  2. Oh, yes, Skin So Soft. I remember Avon people saying that it worked better than anything.

    For next year, I should look into more natural methods, too. Nothing more attractive to mosquitoes (and people) than smelling like cider vinegar, right?

    Gorgeous photos!

    1. Thank you! And, yes, I generally prefer not to smell like vinegar. Although, I’ll put up with it if I get sunburned – that’s my other grandma’s remedy and nothing works better!

  3. Beautiful pictures!
    I try not to use too much mosquito repellent, the natural solutions I looked at this summer seemed to include essential oils of some of the following sorts: Citronella, Clove, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Cajeput, Eucalyptus, Cedar, Catnip, Lavender, Mint, with a bit of witch hazel and other simple stuff. Maybe one of these would help, and they don’t smell too bad (some of them).

  4. I have no solutions, I’m sorry. I go for heavy duty repellents, as I had dengue fever (caught in the Philippines) years ago, and certainly never want a repeat. But I can say, I sympathise. (And I wanted to compliment you on your beautiful photos).

    1. Mali, dengue fever sounds awful! That’s a good reason to be careful.

      Thanks for the stopping by and for your kind words! :)

  5. NOTHING works for me. I’m that person that the mosquitoes love. But Josh will barely get bitten. I will admit that I rarely use bug spray because I don’t like the smell on my skin. But it doesn’t really do anything even if I do use it.

    1. Ugh, Mel! They love me too! I definitely get bitten more than Phillip. I think I heard that it has something to do with body heat-?

      Anyway, thanks for stopping by and for coming up with the awesome Microblog Mondays idea! I’ve been spreading the word. :)

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