Halloween when you don’t really care about Halloween

I’m just not that into Halloween. Candy, costumes, and everything pumpkin flavored? Yes. Things that are scary or disgusting? Nope.


So when I realized that Phillip had class that evening and the DVD I had on hold from the library was available, I decided a night in sounded pretty good.

(In case you’re wondering, DVD = Season 1 of Girls. Because I can’t handle another intriguing public radio interview with Lena Dunham without actually watching the show. You win, Terry Gross.)

As I write this part on Friday morning, this is the plan for the evening:

And how did that work out?

Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset

Really well, actually.


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13 Replies to “Halloween when you don’t really care about Halloween”

    1. Seriously! We need a name for this phenomenon of buying/watching/reading things because of NPR interviews. How about the Fresh Air Effect? Fresh Air-fluence? Public Radio Persuasion? Gross Consumerism?

    1. I had the lights out, but I really didn’t even hear a lot of noise outside. Our neighborhood is really hit or miss. Either there are a million trick-or-treaters or there are 2.

    1. The way I celebrated would work anywhere and any day, really. You could throw a Halloween party at your house. I bet your friends in Finland would love to dress in costumes and eat candy!

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