Overheard before Anaheim

“Don’t be alarmed: I’m taking the styrofoam cooler, and there’s a head in there.”

“Is it Yoda’s head?”

It was. And I wasn’t alarmed, because these are the kinds of conversations you have when you’re getting ready to go to a Star Wars convention.



“Argh! Why did they schedule the 3D Episode 3 screening at the same time as the C3PO Spotlight?!”



“I brought an emergency Jedi robe.”


More on our Star Wars Celebration Anaheim trip soon. In the meantime, you can get a glimpse of the fun/craziness on Instagram.

Microblog Mondays

8 Replies to “Overheard before Anaheim”

  1. I love this but I think I would be nervous at a convention like that. I have this odd fear of people in costumes (I don’t like Halloween much). I went to a Neil Gaiman book reading once and many folks were dressed up like characters in his graphic novels. which made me feel awkward and nervous.

    1. Hmmm…might not be your thing then. Of course, not everyone is in costume, but lots of people are. I think they’ll be posting videos from the big panels on the Star Wars YouTube channel, so that might be a better experience for you: https://youtube.com/user/starwars/videos

      And we’ll be posting more here too, which doesn’t require you to see any cosplayers face-to-face.

    1. His is old and cracking a bit too, so it probably is the same one. “When 900 years old, you reach… Look as good, you will not.”

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