Heroes Rescue Phoenix Comicon from Real Peril

“Wands, sonic screwdrivers, plushies, masks, fairy wings, empty holsters, signs attached to costumes, fur suits, cardboard made costumes and non-weapon props, dishware associated with costumes, empty quivers, hats and helmets, Power Ranger Morphers, and umbrellas, by example, are allowed.”

– from the updated Phoenix Comicon prop policy

Fairy wings and dishware were not in dispute on the first day of Phoenix Comicon 2017.

By day 2, however, a lot had changed.


The Punisher vs. The Power Ranger

The event started out like past cons. The doors of the Phoenix Convention Center opened the morning of Thursday, May 25, and attendees began filing in.

Among them was a man of about thirty with black clothing concealing body armor, a large bag that no one looked inside, and a full event pass.

Later we would learn that his name was Mathew Enrique Navarro Sterling, but he was under the delusion that he was actually The Punisher, a Marvel Comics character focused on vigilante justice. A reminder on his phone said “kill JDF.”

Carrying four loaded guns, a knife, pepper spray, and throwing stars, he went up to the second floor of the convention center.


Then, in perhaps the modern equivalent of Bond-villain-esque monologuing, Mathew started sending Facebook messages about his plans to an acquaintance.

His alleged targets on site included police officers and actor Jason David Frank, who is known for playing the Green Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and would be at the Con all four days for photo ops, autograph signings, and a Friday panel.

Rayko via http://rayko.com

Cops and Cosplayers

On the receiving end of the messages was Rayko Takahashi (professionally known simply as “Rayko”), a singer, composer, personal trainer, and avid cosplayer in Los Angeles. She’s also the first hero of this story.

The two had only met once, in 2014. Over the next year, they exchanged friendly messages about his fitness goals. Then, one night after a concert, Rayko got off stage to find her phone full of messages from Mathew. His tone had changed, and he was threatening to harm another cosplayer. Rayko stopped communicating with him, gave the woman a heads up, and contacted a friend who is a police officer.

Even though nothing happened then, when Rayko received violence-threatening Facebook messages from Mathew on May 25 of this year, she took them seriously, again contacting Sgt. Scott Nichols of the Hawthorne Police Department in California.

He figured out that Mathew was likely to be at Phoenix Comicon and called the Phoenix Police Department.

phxcc phoenix convention center


Eleven minutes after the call came in from Hawthorne PD, Phoenix Police had located, subdued, and arrested Mathew without anyone being injured.

He plead “not guilty” at his preliminary hearing and is currently awaiting trial for attempted murder and other charges. His bond is set at $1,000,000.

PHXCC prop ban signs

The Aftermath

The incident made headlines internationally, and Jason David Frank has been using his platform to encourage comic cons everywhere to increase their security procedures.

So. Suspect detained. The citizens of Phoenix are safe again, and Day 2 the Con could resume as usual, right? Wrong.


In response to the incident, Phoenix Comicon, the convention center, and police department announced that the next day, and for the remainder of the Con, entrance points would be limited, bags would be checked, people would be metal detector wanded, and replica/prop weapons would not be allowed in – including “Weapons from fictional sources (Light sabers, plasma weapons, laser, phasers etc.)” – and could only be sold if exhibitors immediately wrapped them up afterward.


With fewer entrances and additional security screening, lines wrapped around the building the next morning. Unexpected waiting outside during the heat of the day the Friday of Phoenix Comicon seemed familiar from last year’s registration issue, but this time all con-goers were affected.

Later in the day, more security personnel were brought in and the lines moved more quickly the rest of the Con.

phxcc prop ban


Because it’s Comicon, and people wear all sorts of costumes with all sort of props, the ban required some amusing clarifications, like the quote at the beginning of this post.

“Ghostbuster proton packs are allowed however the Neutrino wand will need to be disconnected or permanently attached to the pack.”

Attendee and vendor reactions to the prop ban were very mixed. Some saw it as an important security measure, while others felt it was an unnecessary damper on their Con experience. A lightsaber vendor packed up and left.

Some cosplayers came up with creative alternatives, replacing props with funny signs or balloons.

phxcc deadpool with balloon props

One comment thread in response to Phoenix Comicon’s Facebook announcement in particular seemed to exemplify the points of view*:

stomping a bee that already stung you does absolutely nothing to prevent other bees from stinging you. just like this fake weapons ban won’t do anything AT ALL to keep another lunatic from waltzing in like the Punisher.” –Trey Lee Williamson

“I don’t understand how very few commenters on this seem to realize how severe this whole thing is and giving up a stupid cosplay prop for safety measures is not the end of the world.–Salvatore Roulston

“I live in Washington and am appalled and prop ban just lost you thousands of revenue for next years con. Punish hundreds who have worked hours on their cosplays because of one Lunatic.. thanks for your concern for our safety but no thanks for tickets next year. 😡” –Ashley Marie

“I’m a cosplayer from Washington and this is still honestly one of the best shows I’ve attended. I thank them for their quick response in light of the event that took place. Was it inconvenient, yes, but the show could just as easily been cancelled. Instead they came up with this solution. I’m appreciative that no one was hurt and that the con went on for the rest of the weekend. Count your blessings folks.” –Muni Moore

Indeed. Whether you agree with the response or not, our quick-thinking heroes gave us more blessings to count.


*Comment spelling and punctuation have not been corrected but some were shortened.

Photo of Rayko via rayko.com.

May 2017 Photo: Ramada

There was sliver of the moon over the ramada at Mission Garden in Tucson.

Pergola at Mission Garden, Tucson

The spiny “branches” across the top of the roof come from the ocotillo plant. You can see what they look like growing in the desert in the photo below.



Runner up:

I loved colors and shading in this handpainted parasol at Phoenix Comicon!

Unikornis Art parasol at phxcc

Side note: I wasn’t sure how widely the word “ramada” was used outside the Southwestern U.S. for describing the type of covering supported by posts you see over picnic tables etc., like a roof without walls. In the U.K., I thought they might call this a “shelter.” My Twitter poll on the topic only received a few votes – all in favor of ramada – but my friend Kelli did mention that she thinks of a ramada as made of brick and of this as a “pergola”.

Ramada in tucson

Perhaps the thing itself is just more common here in the Southwest, where you need shade more than protection from rain or snow and desert trees may be too sparse to provide it.

Anyway, if you use a word besides ramada, the language geek in me would love to know!

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

Chalk Robots

There was a chalk drawing of a robot on the ground. No explanation. Just an arrow.

La Ru robot

So, of course, we followed it – and the next one and the next one – down the steps behind Pike Place Market in Seattle.

Pike Place Market

We tried to guess where they were leading. A street art project? A robot maker? Nowhere? The den of our new robot overlords?

One lead us to turn the corner, and then, “Is that it? Is it a baby store?!!”

Ugly Baby and La Ru, Seattle

Nope. A larger robot drawing pointed inside a store with a chalkboard sign that answered my question: “{Ugly Baby & La Ru} Handmade local art for grown-ups and practically nothing for actual babies.”

Ugly Baby and La Ru chalk art

It was a gift shop owned by two artists – Rosalie Gale (of Ugly baby) and Lauren Rudeck (a.k.a. “La Ru”), who was there in the store that day.

Artist La Ru

Ugly Baby and La Ru, Seattle

She creates illustrations of animals and robots, and seemed delighted to hear her chalk drawings had lead us in. The store was full of craft kits, cards, and mini works of art, and I wanted to buy everything.

Ugly Baby and La Ru, waterproof art

Ugly Baby and La Ru, Seattle

The entire store wouldn’t fit in my suitcase, but I did take home a really great sloth coffee mug.

Coffee sloth!

June 2022 UPDATE: In 2018, La Ru moved to her own space, now called Robot vs Sloth. It’s still in Pike Place Market but not so hidden away! You can see it right on the corner of Pine and 1st Ave.

robot vs sloth via google maps
Google maps view of Robot vs Sloth’s current spot (left side of the image) at Pike Place Market.

In fact, I must’ve been practically standing in front of the shop’s future home when I took the photo below.

Pike Place Market 2014
Pike Place Market 2014

And, yep, I still love my sloth mug. I’m drinking coffee from it now!


Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

Year Four in Nine Videos


Today marks the fourth anniversary of Travelcraft Journal! (And the 350th post!) I thought we could take a look back on the past year in 4 places, 4 projects, and 9 videos.
Pasadena City Hall

1. Southern California/Pasadena

First, let’s road trip to Pasadena in one minute. Of course, we’ll stop for date shakes on the way. Once we get there, we can visit the Norton Simon Museum and the jungle garden at the Huntington.

Video: Phoenix to Pasadena in one minute

Project: In honor of sea breezes and Santa Ana winds, make a mobile or wind chime!

Seven Magic Mountains Las Vegas

2. Las Vegas

Next up: Las Vegas. There are lots of awesome things to do off The Strip, including the ArtBar and Downtown Container Park with its giant, music-blaring, fire-shooting praying mantis. If you want to go to The Strip, I can tell you how to get around and how not to get around, as well as why there are so many weddings there.



Project: Make a scrapbook with playing cards.

Mount Lemmon trail

3. Tucson

Tucson is the home of Mt. Lemmon, Mission San Xavier del Bac, the annual Agave Heritage Festival, and the world premiere of the Riders of the Purple Sage Opera.

Videos: Driving to the top of Mt. Lemmon

Project: Try roasting your own agave or make a recipe that uses agave syrup, like a Bloody Mary with Grilled Pipián Mole Shrimp Skewers.
Tempe light rail station art - hands

4. Phoenix

Back in Phoenix, ride the light rail to check out the Phoenix Art Museum, a pizza festival, a lunch hour opera, symphony performance, or Phoenix Comicon.


Project: Make a costume out of duct tape.

Check out our Airbnb recommendations post for places to stay in Pasadena, Tucson, and Las Vegas!


Bonus: Salem

Okay, no videos with this one, but, if you haven’t yet, check out Jessica Tennant’s posts on Salem, Massachusetts – part 1 and part 2.

Salem photo by Jessica Tennant.

Happenings: Summer 2017 #tcjhappenings

pond with water lilies

The Happenings List

Our curated list of upcoming festivals, workshops, shows, and other goings-on for makers and explorers – June through August 2017 (and beyond)! If you go to something from one of our Happenings Lists, please tell us all about it!

Read on for events in Italy, Germany, the UK, and the U.S.: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

Asterisked (**) items link to related posts on Travelcraft Journal.



Phoenix Art Museum


Full Moon Hike at Red Rock State Park

Jun 9, 6:15pm + Jul 8, 6:30pm + Aug 7, 6pm
Red Rock State Park, Sedona
2-mile interpretive hike led by a knowledgeable naturalist. Watch the sunset from an overlook and hike back by moonlight. Arrive at least 30 minutes early with water and a flashlight. $5 fee + park admission ($7/adult). Reserve your spot at least one day in advance by calling Red Rock State Park at (928) 282-6907.

**A rainy day trip to Sedona.

Urban Forestry: Workshop + Discussion

Jun 10, 1pm
Tempe Public Library, Tempe

Tempe Urban Forestry Master Plan co-author Bonnie Richardson talks about the benefits, care, and planning of trees. 18 yrs+

The Tucson 23: A Mexican Food Festival

Jun 17, 6pm
JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort + Spa, Tucson
Celebrate the “Best 23 Miles of Mexican Food in America” with Food demos, live music, and menu samplings from local wineries, breweries, and Mexican restaurants. Tickets $49.

**Feburary photo + Tucson Mexican food.

2017 Grand Canyon Star Party

Jun 17-24, 8pm
South Rim: Grand Canyon Visitor Center
North Rim: Grand Canyon Lodge
Nightly astronomy programs, slide shows, constellation tours, and telescope viewing. Free.

Melodramas and Megastars: The Theatre in Territorial Arizona, 1879-1912

Jun 24, 7pm
Riordan Mansion State Historic Park, Flagstaff

Readers theatre presentation on the development of Atlantic Coast theatrical culture in the Arizona Territory with humorous anecdotes and excerpts from the plays.

Butterfly Walk

Jun 24 + Jul 22 + Aug 26
Boyce Thompson Arboretum, Superior
Leisurely guided tour through the Hummingbird-Butterfly Garden, Demonstration Garden and Children’s Garden collections to see, photograph and learn about butterfly species. Included with admission.

Summer Entertaining Cooking Class

Jun 24, 6pm + Jun 25, 11am
Chef Chamberlin’s Office, Phoenix

Step-by-step tips for creating a seasonal three-course dinner (and wine pairings!) with St. Francis Mixologist Titus Fauntleroy, Phoenix Public Market Café Pastry Chef Sarah Chisholm, and Chef Aaron Chamberlin. Tickets $100.

The Magic Flute Opera + Gelato Film Fest

Jun 25, 1pm
Arizona Opera Atrium, Phoenix
Screening of The Magic Flute with gelato and wine available for purchase. Free.
**Lunch with Arizona Opera.

Agave Nectar, Nopalitos and a Taste of Desert Edibles

July 23, 8am
Boyce Thompson Arboretum, Superior
Guided tour along Curandero Trail with desert plant enthusiast Jim Shepherd with a tasting of desert edible samples including prickly pear jelly, nopalitos, mesquite flour, and agave nectar. Trail is not wheelchair accessible. Included with admission.
**Video of desert edibles cooking demo at Mission Garden, Tucson.

Star Party at Homolovi State Park

August 19, 30 minutes after sunset
Homolovi State Park Visitor Center Museum and Observatory, Winslow
Stargazing at Homolovi’s Visitor Center Museum and Observatory. Included with park admission.

HOCO Fest 2017

Aug 30 – Sep 3
Hotel Congress plaza

5-day music festival with over 40 national and regional acts. Ages 16+. Tickets $15-20.
Downtown LA


Sculpture Is: 2017 “In the Garden”

Jun 1 – Oct 31
Sierra Azul Nursery and Gardens, Watsonville

Eleventh annual Pajaro Valley Arts (PVA) sculpture exhibition in the two-acre Sierra Azul Nursery demonstration gardens.

**Trailer or Tipi camping about 20 minutes from Watsonville (#2).

Show + Tell

Jun 3, 10am
Santa Cruz Museum of Art + History

Local artisans give talks and demonstrations about their creative process and how their products are made.

dineLA Restaurant Week

Jul 14-28
Los Angeles
Fixed-price menu at restaurants throughout Los Angeles.

60th Annual Monterey Jazz Festival

September 15 – 17
Monterey County Fairgrounds, Monterey

The longest-running jazz festival in the world, celebrating the legacy of jazz with performances and educational programs. Tickets: Full weekend $145-410, Single day $45-164. Daily parking $15-40

pond with water lilies


Color: Works by Teresa Booth Brown

Now – Aug 6
Denver Botanic Gardens, York Street – Gates Garden Court Gallery
Exhibition of collage works by artist Teresa Booth Brown. Free.


Calder Monumental

Now – Sep 24
Denver Botanic Gardens

Large metal sculptures by artist Alexander Calder placed throughout the gardens. Included with admission.
**Denver Botanic Gardens.


Loveland Museum Summer Exhibit Programming

  • June 9, 6pm: Artist Demonstration and Discussion. Sally Elliott shares her painting process and inspiration.
  • Jul 14, 6pm: Strings in the Gallery. Concert in the Main Gallery by the Fort Collins Symphony Orchestra.
  • Jul 20, 1pm: Painting Workshop with Sally Elliott. Learn experimental techniques in watercolor and gouache. Pre-registration required. Fee $50 non-members.

Denver Botanic Gardens 2017 Summer Concert Series

June – August
Denver Botanic Gardens, York Street – UMB Bank Amphitheater
Concerts in the round with garden admission included. Bring your own food or pre-order a picnic supper from Offshoots Café ($38 for two people). As of writing this, tickets are still available for the following shows:

  • Jun 13, 6:30pm. Punch Brothers. Tickets $69
  • Jul 28, 6:30pm. The Mavericks. Tickets $65
  • Aug 3, 6:30pm. Dwight Yoakam. Tickets $82-182
  • Aug 7, 6:30pm. Randy Newman. Tickets $74
  • Aug 27, 6:30pm. Lucero with special guest Paper Bird. Tickets $62


Foote Lagoon Summer Concerts

Jun 22 – Jul 27, Thursday evenings
Foote Lagoon Amphitheater, Loveland

Weekly outdoor concert series.

Cherry Pie Celebration 2017

July 8, 5pm
Peters Park and 5th Street, Loveland

Cherry pie contest, vendor booths, activities for kids, and live music by Dixie Leadfoot (Rockabilly/Country/Swing) and Joe O’Bryan Band (Blues/Rock). Pie by the slice, ice cream, and drinks available for purchase. Free admission.

Pastels on 5th

Sep 9, 10am
Downtown Loveland

Sidewalk chalk art festival and fundraiser for Alternatives to Violence. Free.

BlogHer '16



June 22-24
Hilton Bonnet Creek, Orlando

Annual conference for online content creators. Blogger/influencer passes $399.



Concerts on the Canal

Now – July 27, Thursday evenings
Indianapolis Downtown Canal
Outdoor concert series on the Historical Society’s Kruse Family Stardust Terrace. Food and beverages available for purchase or bring your own. On Thursdays during concert season, the History Center is and open until 8pm.

**Fountain Square in Downtown Indiana.

Make Way for Ducklings by illustrator Robert McCloskey


Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Exhibitions

  • Now – Jun 4. Club Americano: New York-based and Mexico City-born artist Pablo Helguera explores the historic formation and contemporary definitions of American identity in an intimate one-room exhibition and shared space.
  • Now – Jun 18. Make Way for Ducklings: The art of author and illustrator Robert McCloskey, in honor of the 75th anniversary of his book Make Way for Ducklings.
  • Now – Jul 9. Botticelli and the Search for the Divine.
  • Now – Jul 9. Matisse in the Studio.
  • Now – Feb 25, 2018. The Andes Inverted: Immersive installation by Daniela Rivera with materials, images, and sounds gathered from Chile’s Chuquicamata copper mine.


Boston Pops

Symphony Hall, Boston

  • May 31 + Jun 1. John Williams’ Film Night: Boston Pops Laureate Conductor John Williiams and Boston Pops Conductor Keith Lockhart conduct a concert of movie music. Tickets $36 – $122.
  • June 2 + 3. Cirque de la Symphonie: live orchestral music plays while aerial flyers, acrobats, dancers, and jugglers perform. Tickets $29 – $93.

**Star Wars music at Phoenix Symphony Hall.



Detroit Home Movies

Now – Jul 29
Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit

Year-long project to exhibit home movies made around 1967 that depict everyday life in Detroit’s diverse communities.


+New York

Flower Essence Workshop

Jun 11, 12:30pm + Jun 18, 12:30pm
Sang Lee Farms, Peconic, NY

Gather flowering plants from the farm and learn how to create your own flower essence. $85
**How to press flowers on the go.

+North Carolina

ASAP’s 2017 Farm Tour

June 24 – 25
Western North Carolina

Tours, demonstrations, and hands-on activities at working farms in the mountains to allow you to connect with the community’s food producers and learn about the region’s agricultural heritage.

Liberty bell Philadelphia



First and third Saturdays, 1-4pm
Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh
Interactive projects inspired by current exhibitions for visitors of all ages. Included with museum admission.

Indigo Dip-in

Jun 15, 5pm
Cultureworks Greater Philadelphia

Bring fabric or yarn you’d like to dye. Create patterns using Shibori resist techniques with clamps, rubber bands, and string. Donations accepted.

Festival O17

Sep 14-25
25 performances of new and classic operas at multiple venues across Philadelphia.

  • Sep 16-24. We Shall Not Be Moved: World Premiere chamber opera with classical, R&B and jazz singing, spoken word, contemporary movement, and video projection. Tickets $50-100.
  • Sep 23, 7pm. Opera on the Mall: Screening of an opera broadcast at Independence National Historical Park. Free.

**Arizona Opera’s world premiere Riders of the Purple Sage.




Water/Ways + H2O Today

May 27 – Jul 9
Virginia Living Museum, Newport News
Part of the thinkWater project, these Smithsonian traveling exhibitions explore scientific and cultural perspectives on water with educational activities and digital story-collection initiatives.


  • Now – Oct 27, Saturdays and Sundays at 2pm. Harvest Tasting Tour: One-hour tour of Thomas Jefferson’s vegetable garden with a tasting of seasonal produce from the garden. Monticello Day Pass required + $15 ticket.
  • Jul 4, 9am. Annual Independence Day Celebration: Naturalization Ceremony followed by a Jeffersonian Open House with patriotic music and free walk-through tours of Monticello (first-come, first-served reservations). Free admission.
  • Jul 1 + Sep 30, 9:15am. Get to Know Your Trails: Monticello Trail Ranger-lead walk along a woodland path to learn about the trail’s history. Tickets $18.
  • Jul 8, 9:30am. Winemaking Workshop: Two-hour participatory workshop on how to make your own wine from harvest to bottling. Tickets $24.
  • Jul 22, 9am. Plein Air Painting: Paint outdoors on the Mountaintop then share your work with other participants. (Beginning instruction by Pat Brodowski at 8:30am.) Bring your own paints and supplies. Tickets $24.
  • Sep 9. 2017 Heritage Harvest Festival: Celebration of Thomas Jefferson’s agricultural and epicurean legacy.


Virginia Craft Brewers Fest

Aug 19
IX Art Park, Charlottesville
Celebration of Virginia’s craft beer industry. Over 100 participating breweries serving tastings.

SAM - Seattle Art Museum


Seattle Art Museum

**A short visit to Seattle.


Craft Party 2017

Jul 16, 12pm
Ugly Baby and La Ru shop, Western Avenue (at Pike Place Market), Seattle

Craft projects and sidewalk chalk take over the block! Join in and do a community embroidery project, wood string art, watercolor cards, and a wall of coloring. There will also be a giveaways, a photobooth, and gift bags with Ugly Baby and La Ru.
Get tickets on Eventbrite by June 14. Tickets $12.

**Chalk robots.


A photo posted by Christoph Jakob (@el_kalam) on




Aug 12-13
Outdoor festival with a curated lineup of indie bands. Free.
**Make a mini-lamp garland.



Venice Biennale

Now – Nov 26
Giardini and Arsenale, Venice
“Viva Arte Viva” – International exhibition of visual art, theater, architecture, music, dance, and film. Full regular tickets €25.

  • Jun 23 – Jul 1. International Festival of Contemporary Dance.
  • Jul 25 – Aug 12. International Theatre Festival.
  • Aug 30 – Sep 9. Venice International Film Festival.
  • Sep 29 – Oct 8. International Festival of Contemporary Music.


Real alcazar de sevilla


Noches en los Jardines del Real Alcázar

Jul 15 – Sep 9, 10:30pm
Real Alcázar, Sevilla
Nightly (Monday – Saturday) concerts in the gardens of a historic palace, including flamenco, classical, and world music. Doors open at 9pm, so you can explore the gardens before the concert. Beverages available for purchase. Ages 8+. Tickets €6.

Ashdown Park http://www.ashdownpark.com/national-garden-scheme-open-day-0


Tracey Emin and William Blake In Focus

Now – Sep 3
Tate Liverpool
Exhibition exploring surprising links between the work of Tracey Emin (b. 1963) and William Blake (1757–1827). It will be the first time Emin’s My Bed has been displayed in the north of England. Free.

The Big Barbican Adventure

Now – Dec 31
Barbican Centre, London

Clue solving, drawing and games for families along the Barbican do-it-yourself adventure trail. Pick up a free trail kit for The Big Barbican Adventure from the Barbican Centre Information Desk on Level G. Allow at least one hour to complete the trail. Ages 6+. Free.

Ashdown Park events

East Sussex

Outdoor cinema at Ashdown Park

East Sussex
Tickets £13.


While I’ve done my best to be accurate, sometimes things change or weren’t listed correctly in the first place. Also, I choose events that seem fun, unique, and like something you’d be interested in, but your mileage may vary. I may not endorse everything connected with a particular event, organization, venue, etc. So consider this your starting point, double check the details, and then venture forth!

Make Way for Ducklings illustration by Robert McCloskey via Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

UK garden photo via Ashdown Park.

Spain Real Alcázar photo via Noches en los jardines del Real Alcázar.