Pinterest boards for travelers

I’ve started a Pinterest place board with a map of sights and cities I’ve shared about here called Travelcraft Journal: explore. It’s kind of like a geography-based index to the blog.


While you’re perusing Pinterest, here are my other travel-related boards you might like to check out too:


Some of these boards overlap a little, because I wanted each one to be able to stand alone. Looking at the map I realize I still have a lot of ground to cover. :)


Microblog Mondays: A weekly roundup of short posts on the Stirrup Queens blog.

3 Replies to “Pinterest boards for travelers”

  1. Such helpful boards. And that photoshop people out of your images pin? That just blew my mind. I had no clue you could do that. I now need to go find a set of photos all taken at the same place/angle and see if I can photoshop the people out. I’m assuming it only works to get rid of the people, birds, etc, and not the stationary objects.

    1. Thanks! Glad you found them useful. And, yeah, that Photoshop tip blew my mind too. I’m eager to give it a try. My understanding is that things that are consistent from photo to photo remain, so that should be buildings, trees, and that one dude that just wouldn’t move. :)

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