Pomegranate in Progress


We’ve had this dwarf pomegranate tree for about 5 years (6? more?) without any sign of fruit – until this past spring.

I was so excited when I spotted a couple tiny red buds one day that I texted photos to Phillip. And my parents. And posted one on Instagram.

Pomegranate bud

Those buds blew off on an unusually gusty day, and I thought it was all over for this year. Then new ones grew.

Yesterday, on the eve of the summer solstice, when I was on the patio worrying about my plants in the 119F-degree heat, I spotted a little pomegranate fruit.


Phillip thinks the tree is in a better spot at our new place. I think it’s because I’ve been watering it with water from Frida’s tank.

Either way, I’m glad to see it flourishing.

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

10 Replies to “Pomegranate in Progress”

  1. I would love to be able to grow a pomegranate tree in my garden, but it’s way too cold in Denmark :( And pomegranates are crazy expensive here!

    Good luck with your tree

  2. It never occurred to me that one could grow a pomegranate. I mean, I don’t know WHERE I thought they came from, but it is so exciting to see your photo.

    1. I have to agree with Cyn K. I never actually thought about growing a pomegranate (tree/bush/plant?). I suspect you need a warmer climate than we have here.

  3. Whoa! That is seriously cool. I can see the fruit behind the flower, but I never imagined pomegranate flowers before. Seriously cool. Maybe it needed the 119 degrees heat to kickstart? I love it!

    1. We were actually concerned about it getting *too much* sun at our old place. Here, it gets full sun in the morning and shade in the afternoon. When it’s 48C before the official start of summer, there’s plenty of sun to go around! ;)

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