Rest Stop Sunset

The sun was setting over a dusty rest stop off I-8 in southern Arizona.

Mohawk rest stop

We stood among the typical collection of bathroom buildings, empty picnic tables, and overflowing garbage cans, while the sky turned a brilliant gold. The color intensified, spreading upward from behind the silhouettes of jagged mountains before transforming into a fiery pink.

sunset at mohawk rest stop in arizona

I think it’s easy to quickly dismiss a place or experience or a moment as being too ugly or just ordinary. But when you look past the obvious, you may be able to find what makes it special.

Because where you are is not as important as where you look.

Southern AZ sunset

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3 Replies to “Rest Stop Sunset”

  1. This is so beautiful. I loved this so much: “Because where you are is not as important as where you look.” Wise words, and so well illustrated by your beautiful photos.

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