9 Replies to “Snapshots of Phoenix Comicon 2016 #PHXCC”

  1. There was a similar convention here this last weekend too (it’s called Armageddon – maybe you should come!). It’s not my thing, but I love the vibrancy it brings to our town.

    1. Whoa, Armageddon! It sounds intense! And, honestly, I’m not as into a lot of the comic/superhero/zombie stuff as much as I’m into the craft stuff. People do amazing things – making costumes and props and even redoing cars to look like ones from movies.

      Anyway, I’d love to visit NZ – with or without a con!

  2. So much fun. AwesomeCon was here last weekend but we skipped it. I want to go, but I’m scared of the crowds. Was this super crowded?

    1. It was. It’s also one of the 10 biggest cons in the US (or something like that). So, yeah, the crowds stress me out too. I don’t know anything about AwesomeCon, but if that one seems too big, maybe there’s a smaller one in your area-? Or avoiding peak day/s and going on a Thursday or something might help.

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