Southwest Maker Fest 2016

SWMF Chalk

Southwest Maker Fest on Saturday had interactive booths, workshops, stilt walkers, craft projects, artists at work, and all kinds of fun stuff.


Since lunchtime was pretty hectic at downtown Mesa restaurants last year, a couple of food trucks were standing by: Burgers Amore (which I was introduced to at Fan Fest) and Queso Good (which I tried at Phoenix Comicon).

SWMF Food trucks

I wish I had gotten a shot of the inside of the IDEA Museum, where my workshop was (I had my hands full of craft supplies at the time), so you could see all the delightful creative chaos of the projects going on in there.


Upcycled Travel Journal Workshop

For my workshop, I made the project a little less open-ended this time, because too many possibilities can stress some people out.

SWMF travel journal workshop

I showed how to make travel journals out of 2 envelopes folded and bound together.

SWMF travel journal workshop
SWMF travel journal workshop

Some people chose to keep the books blank for their next trip. One attendee covered his pages with red tape; another wove plastic bags together using a plastic-yarn technique they were teaching at another booth and threaded that into her journal.

SWMF travel journal workshop

SWMF travel journal workshop


Both adults and kids got to have fun making stuff, and that was really the point.

SWMF travel journal workshop

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

12 Replies to “Southwest Maker Fest 2016”

  1. The best Maker Faires span ages like that, where both adults and kids can have fun at the same activities. You set up a good one.

    1. Thanks! I think a lot of times the line between adult and kid crafts/activities is pretty arbitrary. It’s great for kids to be creative, learn, and play – but I see no reason to stop doing those things just because we get older!

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