Spotted at the Arboretum


Boyce thompson arboretum
Boyce thompson arboretum - cardinal

Today at the Arboretum we saw

4 cardinals

1 woodpecker

a couple hummingbirds

several nests

a really neat feather

a possible owl pellet that Phillip poked at with a stick

some beautiful black butterflies

2 very determined ants and 1 that could care less

2 trees full of bees

a handful of squirrels

a turtle

a snake

and 75 lizards (before we stopped counting).

Boyce thompson arboretum - Snake

I also spotted a fuzzy tail of an animal going into a thicket. I jumped out of the car while it was still running to see what it was. All I found was a fat, lumbering squirrel.

Boyce thompson arboretum

Also, if you go on a hot, humid Tuesday, you’ll practically have the place to yourself. With the exception of those mentioned above, of course.

Boyce thompson arboretum

P.S. For those of you interested in chronology, by “today,” I mean last Tuesday, when I wrote down what we’d seen earlier that day.

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

10 Replies to “Spotted at the Arboretum”

    1. Thank you! And, don’t worry, if you’re not a fan of lizards, they don’t stick around long and usually run for cover as soon as they see someone!

  1. OH, that is my kind of walking place! So many snake friends and lizard friends (I have yet to see a lizard here, but lots of tiny peepers and big warty toads). Beautiful, love that last photograph.

    1. Yeah, it’s usually really dry here. I’m not used to humidity at all, so I tend to think I’m dying once it starts to get muggy. ;)

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