Impromptu Peruvian bean chili

I posted this photo on Instagram of a Peruvian bean chili I made recently. My friend Anne asked me for the recipe, and here we are. Except I don’t really have a recipe. I basically winged it (wung it?), but I’m happy to tell you a story about that and maybe you’ll be able to deduce a recipe from there.


The thing is Phillip had a guys’ movie night planned, and the other guys were talking about getting pizza. I panicked, forgot there is such a thing as gluten-free pizza (we’re total newbs at this gluten free thing), glanced around my kitchen, and decided I could throw together chili. Even though I started early, I probably didn’t spend more than 10 minutes actually pulling it together.

Here’s what went in there:

  • Peruvian/Peruano beans, enough to mostly fill the crockpot after soaking. (I get these in bulk from Food City, but I’m sure they’re available at other groceries with Latin American food items.)
  • Tomato paste, maybe 3 TBS
  • 1 can diced tomatoes (If you’re substituting fresh ones, you may want to wait to add them, so they don’t get weird hanging out in the crockpot all day.)
  • Rosemary
  • Cumin
  • Lots of salt (I never seem to salt beans enough)
  • Black pepper
  • A little oregano
  • Garlic powder (Fresh garlic is a good idea too. Maybe better if you’re in slightly less of a rush.)
  • 1 red pepper
  • Sriracha, as much as you can stand

Soak the beans overnight, then throw it all in the crockpot the next day. If it happens to be sriracha week, make the sriracha and red pepper into a smiley face and Instagram it. Cook 4-5 hours on high or 8ish on low. You may want to make the chili a day ahead, refrigerate, and let the flavors blend. It will be even more delicious the following day.


Also, if you’re not particularly attached to the vegetarianness of the recipe, some bacon probably would be a delicious addition.

Happy belated sriracha week to you all!

Daily Bread

I realized the last couple posts here have been named after meals (Breakfast at Arcosanti and The world over dinner). This could be because I’ve really had food on the brain lately.

Mountain bread

We’re getting ready to try going gluten free for a bit to see if that helps with some issues we’ve (mostly I’ve) been having.

This is not going to be an easy transition for me. I love bread and cereal and pasta and cookies etc. I like being able to say I’ll eat almost anything and enjoy trying new foods when I travel. But I’ve been reading up on how to make this diet work, and I created a Pinterest board of gluten-free recipes and resources.

At one point, Phillip and I made a whole gluten bucket list of places to go eat before making this change. But the list kept getting longer and time was getting shorter, so we abandoned that idea. I did stop at Liberty Market yesterday, though, so we could relish one last blueberry scone. (I recommend you do the same if you ever happen to be in Gilbert, Arizona.)


Since there’s not really ever a good time to do something like this, we decided that Lent would at least be an appropriate season for denying ourselves. The 40 days begin tomorrow. And, even though our reasons for going gluten free are more health-related than spiritual, there is something about giving up something you love (maybe too much) that can refocus your heart and be good for the soul.

6 Sweet + Simple DIY Valentine’s Day Ideas

Maybe all you need is love. But adding a few special ingredients – like a nice meal and a thoughtful surprise or two – never hurt. Here are a few simple DIY ideas for celebrating whoever warms your heart this Valentine’s Day.

1. Chocolate: This easy 2-ingredient recipe for homemade Kit Kat Bars comes from the brilliant minds at A Beautiful Mess.

6 Simple DIY Valentine's Day Ideas: Homemade Kit Kat Bars

2. Wine: Have you tried making my Super Sangria yet?

6 Simple DIY Valentine's Day Ideas: 4-Ingredient Super Sangria

3. Flowers: Make paper roses with this tutorial from Dozi.

6 Simple DIY Valentine's Day Ideas: Paper rose

4. Love notes: Fold up a mini envelope (like I did for the Craft Hack flyer) and tuck a tiny card, a few conversation hearts, or some small sentimental mementos.

6 Simple DIY Valentine's Day Ideas: Mini envelopes

5. Ambience: You can make a fun heart backdrop, like this one on designlovefest, from some 1 x 2s, chicken wire, and paper napkins! (Seriously!)

6 Simple DIY Valentine's Day Ideas: Heart backdrop

6. Dinner for two: To avoid crowded restaurants, pack a picnic! Maybe head out to a scenic spot outside of your normal stomping grounds. Wherever you go, this washi tape and paper bag utensil holder from Making Home Base is a super cute way to keep forks and spoons in place. (You know I love brown paper bags, but red ones would be fun too!)

6 Simple DIY Valentine's Day Ideas: Paper bag utensil holder

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends!

4 Ingredient Super Sangria

The Super Bowl party invite said to bring a beverage to go with wood fired pizza. I took that as my cue to make sangria.


My sangria-making habit started after my semester in Spain. My friends and I used to go to this Chinese restaurant that had the best sangria in town. (Yes, Chinese food. In Spain. With amazing sangria. You with me?) We developed kind of a routine of stopping in every week or two, starting with a pitcher of sangria, improving our Chinese food in Spanish vocabulary while looking over the menu, eating a meal that tasted strikingly similar to Chinese food back home, and then my friend would finish off the fruit at the bottom of the pitcher. By the end of the semester, I was hooked on sangria and excellent at ordering Chinese in Spanish.


These days, I think of sangria as a summer drink and usually make it with more citrusy and peachy flavors. But we had a delicious apple and pear sangria when we were in Tucson last month (I’d link to a post about that, but it’s not written yet), so when we got the party invite, I was ready to try making a winter sangria.

I kept it simple with just four ingredients: apples, pears, red wine, and blood orange Italian soda (yep!). The soda had a very light flavor, so it wasn’t overpowering. It also contributed the bubbles, extra sweetness, and a nice clear glass bottle to make the sangria in, so our friends wouldn’t have to remember to return a pitcher to us later.


I poured most of the soda out of the bottle to start with, added the other ingredients, and then added some back in after tasting.


In the meantime, I started slicing apples and realized the slices were just a little too big to easily fit through the opening of the bottle, so instead I did kind of a chunky matchstick cut. “Chunky matchstick” may not be an official culinary term, but it might make a good band name and pretty much describes the way the fruit was cut in our Tucson sangria.



I slid the pieces in the bottle one at a time until it started looking like there was a whole lotta fruit in there. Then I poured in the wine through a funnel, so I wouldn’t spill it all over. But I almost did that anyway, because I was taking photos while pouring. (Blogger problems.)


I filled the bottle part way, so I’d have room to adjust my ratios after a taste test.


That’s probably about the time I realized I had all these produce stickers on my elbow. And the waistband of my hoodie. Because I am awesome.


Also probably because I stuck them all on the counter before I washed the fruit. (Am I the only one who does this?) Then I’m guessing I leaned right on them while I was taking photos of apples.


See what I go through for you guys?

Anyway, so after tasting, I added a little more of everything, then tasted and adjusted a few more times until it was just right. I had looked at a recipe, but then I didn’t really follow it. It’s more authentically Spanish if you don’t follow a recipe. Drinking wine while you make it helps too, even especially if it’s only lunchtime.

I gave it a few hours to chill in the fridge.


Finally, I covered the soda label (which I hadn’t had time to remove properly) with navy blue paper, because I wanted both Seahawks fans and Broncos fans to feel free to partake. I labeled it ¡Super Sangria! (The upside down exclamation point makes it Spanish.) Then we headed out to watch the not-so-Super Bowl. At least there was plenty of wine at the party.

Expanding my writing horizons

I am excited to announce that I am now a contributor for Brit + Co! In case you’re not familiar with the site, it features DIY projects, recipes, tech finds, trends, and other topics that help busy people indulge their creative side.

Writing about food and tech for Brit + Co

I was already a big fan of the site. And finding ways to make the most of life despite a crazy schedule is a part of what Travelcraft Journal is about. This is a great fit, and I’m honored to be a part of the “Co” of Brit + Co!

My first post is “5 Apps That Make Your Food Photos Look Even Better“. For those of you who like to take pictures of delicious food you make or come across on your travels, check it out!

Of course, I’ll continue posting here at Travelcraft Journal (more on my travelcrafty plans for this year soon), in addition to doing original roundups and reviews for Brit + Co, so keep an eye out for those over there!