Jan/Feb/March Happenings 2025


Happy New Year! These first three(ish) months tend to be when the weather is at its best in the desert regions of Arizona.

It’s not a coincidence that many of Tucson’s biggest events of the year are planned for this time. The Jazz Festival, Gem Show, and Rodeo are basically scheduled right on top of each other. The Festival of Books isn’t far behind. It’s like the city is trying to cram as much as possible in between the holidays and the onset of the summer heat!


To help you keep track of it all, here’s my handpicked list of intriguing goings-on around Arizona, as well as a few you can enjoy virtually anywhere!

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Holiday Happenings (Nov/Dec) 2024

trail at Red Rock State Park, Sedona

The Happenings List

These are my handpicked upcoming events for art, culture, food, and nature lovers with *Goodies starred throughout the List! I’ve also included some Etsy affiliate links, so you can support local makers and this site at the same time!

people looking at paintings in a museum
Artwork at the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena.

• Anywhere •

Being Human Festival: Ohhhh the Humanities!

November 7 – 16 online

Free 10-day festival that seeks to celebrate and engage the public with the humanities. Being Human believes that literature, history, classics, archaeology, art history, philosophy, languages, cultural studies, music, theatre, and theology help us understand what it means to be human and should belong to everyone. While most of the festival events take place in the UK, there are always several virtual and hybrid events on its program.


“The whole road is of one design…made by hand and breaking through mountain chains and hillsides…it is one of the greatest constructions that the world has ever seen.”

—Miguel de Estete, describing the Incan Road

andes mountains in peru
In the Andes, Peru

The Great Inka Road: Engineering an Empire

ongoing online 

Online exhibition exploring the history and culture of the Andean peoples that formed the Inkan/Incan Empire and the monumental road that would eventually unite their territories – and its status today.

  • National Museum of the American Indian online resources
  • Free
  • On Etsy: Indian Creations Corp – blankets made by indigenous artisans in the Andes


View-Master reel with slides that combine art and poetry.
“DeLand” by Teresa Carmody and Madison Creech on a View-Master reel. Via UA Poetry Center.

Book Objects: You Call That a Book?!

ongoing online

Items from the University of Arizona Poetry Center’s online collection that stretch the meaning of what a book can be!

  • Free

Continue reading “Holiday Happenings (Nov/Dec) 2024”

Monsoon Summer Happenings (July/August) 2024

sunset in Gilbert, Arizona

We were driving back recently from a sunny visit to Saguaro National Park as the sky clouded over. We thought we heard thunder in the distance and hoped we could get home before the storm. We didn’t. The rain wasn’t so much falling as it was being slammed against our car by big gusts of wind.


While it may not be the first image that comes to mind when you think of the desert, that’s the Arizona monsoon season, when Tucson receives around half its annual rainfall.
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Early Summer (May/June) 2024 Happenings

The Meading Room, Sonoita

blooming cactus

May Days

There are some great Happenings over the next couple months! Quite a few festivals, some maker markets, craft classes, experimental art exhibits, nature hikes, and city strolls. A couple festivals are (Something) and Wine festivals. And did you know that May 18 is International Museum Day?

Of course there are Juneteenth celebrations throughout the month of June – including one that kicks off with a ballet collaboration!

There are also outdoor performances of ballet, flamenco, and folklorico. Wanna dance around a maypole? That’s on this List. Go to a space rave? That too.
Continue reading “Early Summer (May/June) 2024 Happenings”