You can get free passes to over 30 museums and attractions if you have a library card from Maricopa County or Pima County, Arizona.

How to Check Out a Culture Pass
The program is called the Culture Pass, and it works like this:
- Visit the Culture Pass kiosk at a participating library.
- Pick the pass you’re interested in. There will be cards for all the available passes – it’s first-come, first-served.
- Check the pass out with your library card. You will be exchanging the card from the kiosk for a receipt-like slip of paper, which is your actual ticket in.
- Go to the museum! Each pass is good for free general admission for two people one time. You have one week to use it before it expires, but you don’t have to return anything to the library.
You may be able to search the library’s catalog online to see ahead of time what’s available.

If you live in Maricopa County, you can get a library card from any of the County’s public libraries. Only ASU students can check out Culture Passes from ASU libraries, although alumni and community members are eligible for cards with limited access to other ASU library resources.

Culture Pass Arts Destinations
Some of the Culture Pass Arts Destinations we’ve enjoyed (with or without a pass):

Culture Pass Performances
More recently, the program has also expanded to include performances. It works basically the same way. Certain plays, ballets, operas, and symphony concerts will have Culture Passes available a couple weeks ahead of time on a first come, first serve basis.
These include performances from…
…and lots more!

Outside of Maricopa County
The Sedona Public Library also has passes for Northern Arizona destinations, like Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Route 66 Museum in Kingman, and the Sedona Heritage Museum.

Pima County Public Library branches have passes for Tucson destinations like Tohono Chul Park, Tucson Museum of Art, and Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, as well as performances by Arizona Opera, Tucson Symphony, and UA Presents.

I believe there are similar programs at some libraries outside of Arizona. If you know of one, let me know!