The Fight to Breathe

Black Lives Matter mural by Camila Ibarra

It’s a weird time to be alive.

It’s a weird time to be breathing.

Because this virus keeps spreading across the world, carried by breath. You could inhale sickness and never know where it came from. You could exhale death and never know where it landed.

Bighorn fire photo by Phillip.
Fires burning near the top of the Santa Catalina mountains on 6/10/20.

Because wildfire keeps spreading across the mountains in Tucson. Even far from the danger, we feel its burn in our eyes and throats as we breathe in the smoke.

BLM poster listing the names of people who've died from police violence in recent years.

Because violence keeps spreading across the U.S.

When you saw that an officer would block an unarmed man’s windpipe with the weight of his knee, did you feel your own throat tighten? When you saw how quickly police would turn on the people they’re supposed to protect, did you realize you were holding your breath?

When you remembered that air can still pass into your lungs, did you wonder what it means that you’re still breathing? And what we should do now?

Alleyway chalk drawings.

Some raged against the injustice by smashing windows and starting fires. Some by showing up in the morning to pick up the pieces and sweep up the glass. Some by activism and art.

Tucson Together mural by Jessica Gonzales
Tucson Together mural by Jessica Gonzales.

Tucson has a history of making art in response to tragedy, mosaics from shards.

After two nights of anger spilling into downtown Tucson streets, volunteers came to clean up.

Be kind

Over boarded-up windows, they painted the Ben’s Bells symbol – that bright green flower shape with the words “be kind” in the center. If you’ve been to Tucson in recent years, you’ve seen it. But you might not know the project’s story, that it began as a way for founder Jeannette Maré to work through the grief of losing her son, Ben. She threw her energy into spreading kindness and making ceramic windchimes.

Gadsden quote

Art is helping us navigate this perplexing time too.

Black Lives Matter Tucson held a Celebration of Black Lives on the U of A campus with speakers and music. You can see videos of it on their Facebook page, including this transcendent dance performance by Na-il Ali Emmert.

Hotel Congress with Camila on Canvas mural
Black Lives Matter mural by @CamilaOnCanvas.

There are new murals popping up around Tucson. One that feels particularly of the moment is by Camila Ibarra on the north wall of Hotel Congress. Her portrait of a face-mask-wearing Black woman with the words “Black Lives Matter” in her natural hair has this intensity, this electricity in every brushstroke.

Murals at MSA Annex

Muralist Joe Pagac has been connecting Black artists with downtown Tucson walls. Several murals have already gone up at MSA Annex. I was walking Quijote around there the other day and got to meet one of the artists, To-Ree’-Nee’ Wolf, who was in the process of painting an extension to her mural.

Mural by To-Ree-Nee Wolf
Artist To-Ree-Nee Wolf working on one of her murals.

A week after George Floyd’s death, there was a vigil in his honor outside The Dunbar Pavilion, an African American art and cultural center. There was a stage set up, where Tucsonans took turns at the mic, sharing stories of loved ones they’ve lost to police violence, about fearing for their children, about the need for grassroots change.

George Floyd vigil in Tucson

Because being Black in America – simply existing – puts you in more danger.

As nature photographer Gina Danza wrote, “Peace doesn’t come without worry, fear for Black womxn. There is never a moment where we can be fully at peace.”

We can’t let that continue to be the case.

Candles at a vigil for George Floyd.
Photo by The Dunbar Pavilion of candles lit in remembrance of George Floyd.

The Enough is Enough vigil wrapped up with a moment of silence – actually 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence – to remember George Floyd. As we lit candles or turned on cell phone lights to hold up, the speaker said, “When your arm starts getting tired, remember that at least you’re not on the ground with someone’s knee on your neck.”

Before leaving, people placed flowers and candles and handmade signs on a table in front of the stage, turning it into a kind of a shrine.

Tucson wildfire smoke
Smoke rising from the Bighorn Fire in the Santa Catalina mountains on 6/17/20.

Of course, the fight is far from over.

There’s been some rain, but the fire in the Catalinas isn’t out yet. There was a short reprieve, but the virus is spreading quickly. There has been some progress, but the violence hasn’t stopped.

We need to look out for each other, make sure everyone can keep breathing.

We need to be kind.

Black Lives Matter

Crafting for Australia

Eucalyptus trees at arboretum

Wildlife rescue centers in Australia and the animals they’ve taken in have found some unlikely allies.

Kangaroo joeys
Joeys hanging around. Photo: Wildlife Volunteers Association Inc.

Caring for injured Australian fauna requires a very specific supply list, which includes things like marsupial sleeping pouches and mitts to protect burnt paws. These can’t be made out of just anything. It has to be soft, breathable 100% cotton fabric – exactly the type of material that quilters are experts at working with.

NotJustQuiltZ’s aboriginal-designed fabrics at the Quilt, Craft, and Sewing Festival in Phoenix.

Jeltje van Essen, owner of Quilt Shop 100 Rozen in Deventer, Netherlands, realized this and recruited a group of volunteers to sew for wildlife centers overwhelmed by Australia’s intense fire season.

I learned about their efforts through Pauline Rogers, who comes all the way from Australia to have a booth at the Quilt, Craft and Sewing Festival in Phoenix.

Pauline Rogers
Pauline Rogers demonstrates her products at the Quilt, Craft, and Sewing Festival in Phoenix.

Jeltje’s quilt shop crew in The Netherlands started by making mittens for injured koalas, using cheery fabrics to make their carers smile. They have since moved on to other projects, like sewing wraps for rolling up recovering bats into cozy little fabric burritos (bat-ritos?) that make them feel like they’re snug inside their mothers’ wings.

Bat wraps
Bat wraps! Photo by Animal Rescue Freecycle Craft Guild.

The Dutch quilt shop volunteers certainly weren’t the only crafters to pick up their needles to help, however.

Donations of handmade items have been pouring in to the Rescue Craft Co. (RCC), based in New South Wales, which has been sharing patterns and coordinating shipments from around the world.

Handcrafted bird nests.
Nests by Nicole Jarczewski.

In fact, the reason the Netherlands quilt shop group switched projects is because the koalas in Australia are all stocked up on mittens. RCC has actually been so inundated that they’ve asked that people stop sending them.

Instead, they’re requesting veterinary supplies, a select list of crafted items, and monetary contributions to their logistics GoFundMe or other trusted  organizations working to help Australia heal.

Photo: Wildlife Volunteers Association Inc.

How to Help Australian Animals (via Rescue Craft Co):

Craft More, Waste Less!

With Earth Day coming up, here are some DIY ways to make things you might normally throw out into things you can use!

Plastic bottles into planters



Glass bottles into…


birdseed or hummingbird feeders

The bird seed feeder tutorial also has detailed instructions in how to cut a hole in the glass using a diamond bit drill, while the lamp project recommends using a dremel with a tungsten carbide head to make a hole for the cord.

Also, make sure you’re making safe hummingbird nectar without red dye or food coloring.

More glass bottle DIYs on Redbook.


Envelopes into journals

You don’t even need to use new envelopes for this – even the ones that arrive with junk mail inside work great!


Tins into…

craft supply storage

tiered trays

travel embroidery kit

Depending on what size tin(s) you have, you can store yarn or beads or fancy scissors. Also, check out the craft organization ideas I shared in a previous post.


Greeting cards into gift tags

Even though my example is holiday-themed, you can use any kind of card with art you like on it to make gift tags to use year round.


Plastic bags into a lunch bag

You can make “plastic yarn” or “plarn” from shopping bags and crochet it into all sorts of things, like a floor mat, tote, jump rope or shower shoes.


Coffee sleeve into a flower press

Of course, it’s great if you can opt for reusable coffee cups or sleeves, but, when you can’t, you can at least make the cardboard sleeve part of a craft project.


Rotisserie chicken container into a mini greenhouse

This will help hold the moisture in when you’re starting seeds.


Bicycle tubes into bracelets

The rubber from bicycle inner tubes can be used as a vegan alternative to black leather.

More bicycle inner tube crafts.


Melted chapstick into into lip gloss

If you live in a hot climate (***waves from Arizona***), you’ve probably ended up with melted chapstick or lipstick at some point. And noticed it does not go back to its original state after it cools off. This is a way to  salvage it instead of leaving it stuck inside the tube.


Vintage appliances into Little Libraries

How cute is this vintage bread warmer?!

You can find more ideas for setting up a Little Free Library on their site.


What are your favorite ways of reusing things instead of throwing them out?

Make a Difference with Things You Make


Heart cards

There are lots of ways to get crafty to do some good – regardless of your skill level!

Here are some DIY projects to make a difference.



Build a Little Free Library.

Make a place for a neighborhood book exchange! You can build it or repurpose a phone booth, mailbox, vintage bread warmer or other weatherproof container to house books in.

Little Free Library

Good to know:



Crochet/knit a chemo cap.

Help someone with hair loss due to cancer treatment feel more comfortable.


Good to know:
Before making a cap to donate, check the charity’s guidelines on best yarns and patterns to use. Many of them offer free patterns on their sites!


Make a composting unit.

You can reduce trash by composting food waste and turning it into something that’s good for your garden.

Good to know:



Make a card…

…for a child in the hospital.

Caitlin’s Smiles distributes handmade cards and “bags of smiles” with arts and craft supplies to kids in hospitals. You can make cards, tote bags, or donate art supplies.

Caitlin’s Smiles

…for a cancer patient.

Make blank cards that will be personalized and sent to people with a cancer diagnosis.

Card Care Connection

…for a housebound senior citizen.

While there won’t be an official Meals on Wheels campaign like last year’s “Love Letters,” you can contact your local Meals on Wheels program to find out about creating cards.

Meals on Wheels

…for your congressional representatives.

Postcards may currently be the most effective way to let Congress know what issues matter to you.

Good to know:


Make a blanket…

…for animal shelters (knit, crochet, sew, or tie).

You can knit, crochet, sew, or tie blankets for dogs and cats in shelters.

Comfort for Critters

Good to know:

  • 20-inch square is the preferred size.
  • They have free patterns and blanket ideas!
  • You can drop blankets off at a local animal shelter or ship them to their Illinois headquarters.


…for NICU babies.

Knit or crochet neonatal baby blankets.

Knots of Love

…for veterans.


  • Operation Gratitude gives care packages to veterans, as well as currently deployed U.S. Troops, first responders, and military families. You can make blankets, cards, caps, cool ties, drawstring bags, and/or scarves.
  • Quilts of Valor awards patriotic quilts to thank veterans.


Hummingbird Feeder

For pollinators, make…

…a mason bee nesting spot.

Help save the bees! Solitary bees are great pollinators and don’t have painful stings.

Good to know:


…a bat house.

Bats not only help pollinate plants, they eat mosquitos and other pests. As forests are cut down, they have fewer safe places to raise their young.

Bat Conservation International

…a hummingbird feeder.

Hummingbirds need a lot of calories every day! They can fuel up on nectar at feeders or flowers like honeysuckle.

Good to know:


Craft for a Fundraiser

If you sell items you’ve made, you can give the proceeds to whichever charity is meaningful to you. Cash is the most versatile donation.

Stamp metal bracelets.

One fundraiser craft idea is hand stamped bracelets. MyIntent (who I received a necklace from) now sells a Maker Kit, so you can make your own custom jewelry. One fundraiser selling hand-stamped bracelets brought in over $4,000 in 3 weeks!

UPDATE: Found a discount code, so I wanted to share! VDAY25 will get you 25% off a MyIntent Maker Kit.



What else can we make to make a difference?


PS While some of these projects are U.S.-specific, hopefully, they’ll spark ideas for anywhere you are!

MLK Day: Where to Volunteer in Phoenix

dramatic sunset light on the top of south mountain in phoenix

I was looking to see what kind of service projects were planned in my community for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and I found a bunch at! I’ll share a few you might be interested in below.


Step Up


You can sign up on the site to volunteer if you’re over 18. Check the individual project for age restrictions and waivers required for younger teens and kids.

If you live outside of the Phoenix area, you can search for opportunities in other states.



Sort and Pack at St. Mary’s Food Bank

Jan 13, 8-10am
St. Mary’s Food Bank, Phoenix
Sort, pack, and distribute food for other nonprofits and families in crisis at St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance.

  • Feel free to bring donations of cereal, canned goods, bottled water, and/or pet food with you to the project.
  • Due to health codes and safety reasons, a volunteer dress code is in effect. (Closed Toe Shoes, shirts with sleeves, pants, etc.)


Garden Volunteers at the Japanese Friendship Garden

Jan 13, 8-11am
Japanese Friendship Garden, Phoenix
Help with either non-technical duties (like cleaning up trash) or technical garden maintenance (like precise pruning of plants).


Puppy Pals at Animal Care West Valley Shelter

Jan 13, 9-11am
Maricopa County Animal Care Services, West Valley Shelter, Phoenix
Spend time with adoptable pets. Walk dogs or brush and pet cats.


Project Vitamin C with City of Glendale

Jan 13, 9am-12pm
Sahuaro Ranch Park, Glendale
Help pick citrus from the park’s trees to donate to local food banks.


MLK 2018: Trailblazing at South Mountain Park

Jan 14, 10:30am-12:30pm
South Mountain Park, Phoenix
Assist with projects, such as tree trimming, maintenance, graffiti removal, trash pick-up, and painting. Details will be emailed to volunteers after sign up. Ages 18+.


Vets in Need Outdoor Refresh

Jan 15, 8am-12pm
Join volunteers in painting the exterior of the home of a Veteran in need. Training, project supplies, light snacks and water will be provided.


Be a good person

MLK Jr. Celebration Parade

Jan 15, 8:30am-12:30pm
Mesa Convention Center (outside) / Downtown Mesa
Help with parade contestant check-in and parade route guidance.


Dog photo is of Mulder (ID#A4027230), who’s available for adoption at Maricopa County Animal Care + Control – East Valley Animal Care Center. Copyright ©HLP Inc.