Did you make construction paper Valentines as a kid? Well, I just found out about a great reason to dust off the Fiskars and start cutting out paper hearts again.
Meals on Wheels will be delivering handmade Valentine’s Day cards to housebound seniors, as part of their Love Letters campaign on DoSomething.org. While the card-making part of the campaign is definitely targeted to kids/teens, I don’t see any reason we can’t all channel our inner child and join in too. (Someone who’s 90 probably sees the rest of us as kids anyway.)

Sign up at DoSomething.org/loveletters for guidelines and a list of participating locations with mailing addresses, and then make your card(s), put them in envelopes (if you don’t have enough on hand, here’s how to fold your own envelope), and mail them in by February 10.
A volunteer used to deliver Meals on Wheels to my grandpa and even bring treats along for the dog – making both of their days.
If you’re outside of the US and Canada, I bet there’s a nursing home or senior center in your area that you could deliver handmade cards to.
I think this is a beautiful way to spread some love.
[UPDATE: Cards don’t have to be in individual envelopes.]