7 Things that Only Happen at a Star Wars convention


A few of the things we witnessed at the Star Wars Celebration convention that I doubt happen anywhere else:

    • A panel on Star Wars vegetable carving — that was full to capacity.
    • The feeling you’re being followed, and then realizing that behind you is a full-size working R2D2 made out of LEGO.
    • An emcee, who, immediately after showing a movie trailer, asks “Do you want to see it again?” and an audience that shouts “YEAH!” and stays to watch a second time.

Star Wars squash

  • A guy who cosplays as George Lucas.
  • A room full of non-Navajo speakers going to a screening of a movie in Navajo.
  • Carrie Fisher casually wandering out to a food court patio to give her dog some water.
  • A 3D movie experience that keeps getting disrupted by people walking in late and using light sabers as flashlights.

Star Wars opening crawl in the Navajo language
Carrie Fischer

Microblog Mondays

Star Wars Geeks Unite!


Yes, we are really going to the Star Wars Celebration convention.

It’s held every 2-3 years-ish (bi-triennial? quasi-triennial?) This time it’s at the Anaheim Convention Center, so we’ll be right across from Disneyland without time to actually go to Disneyland. Maybe we’ll catch the fireworks.


I will, of course, be focusing on the makers. And there are a lot of them. (At the Re:Make ConferenceChris Taylor said that most of the Star Wars fan community makes something.)


Anyway, we may sneak in a tiny bit of sightseeing on the way there or back. Either way, I’m sure we’ll have interesting stories to tell you.


Microblog Mondays