Did you take our word for it? #tcjreco


Have you ever tried something based on a recommendation from Travelcraft Journal?


Maybe you made a project or recipe we featured, checked out a new coffee shop, took a road trip, went to an event on the Happenings List, or purchased something from our gift guide.

(Speaking of which, the 2016 travel gift guide is online now!)


I’m looking for feedback on the impact of what we share, so I’d love to hear if there’s anything you’ve made or purchased or anywhere you’ve gone after reading about it here.

Watercolor paint pans

So…have you ever tried something we posted about? If not, what are you hoping to learn more about in 2017?

Microblog Mondays: Write in your own space

15 Replies to “Did you take our word for it? #tcjreco”

  1. I haven’t yet, but it’s mainly because of logistics (which is a fancy way of saying we’re too broke to travel at the moment). I really enjoy living vicariously through your recommendations, though!

  2. Yes! We went to Monticello after you posted about it. I’ve lived here my whole life and had never been, even though it’s only a few hours away.

  3. Love your travel gift guide. I’m always on the look out for ideas for things to take away. If I hadn’t just bought myself a crossbody bag for travelling (yes, that’s how we spell it in NZ!), I’d be checking out the bag you’ve recommended. … maybe I will anyway, for Christmas!

    1. I wouldn’t have even noticed the different spelling – I always forget if there are one or two Ls. Now if I write it with two, I’ll just say it’s NZ style.

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