A year ago yesterday, I lost my dad.
Yes, he’d been battling cancer for two years. And, yes, he was in the ICU. But it was still a shock.

It seems like a million years ago. But also like it was just last month. It seems impossible that he was ever here, living, breathing, just a phone call away. And it also seems impossible that now he’s not.

My dad showed me how to notice the little details, especially in nature. He loved a hike, he loved a road trip, was curious about the world, and wanted to make the most of opportunities that popped up along the way. (“As long as we’re here, we might as well… go inside and check out the menu / take a boat tour / drive a few more miles to see a wagon train re-enactment / take a helicopter ride / see what it’s like to park in the desert and watch a dust storm….”)
He believed in being prepared (often way over-prepared). He liked building things and was actually very big on safety. Thanks to his influence, I cringe when someone on tv is using power tools or handling dangerous materials without the gloves or eye protection that they should be wearing.

I have started and stopped writing a version of this several times over the past year, and I’m determined to get through it this time – even if it means ending abruptly. (Many things do.)

So although I haven’t even scratched the surface of the multi-faceted person my dad was or how he meant so much to me, I’ll just leave you with a few highlights of Dad helping out on this site.
Top Marty Moments on Travelcraft Journal
1. He wrote a post about he and mom randomly walking into a restaurant in Prescott, where almost everyone was wearing pajamas.
2. The time he agreed to model sunglasses.
3. When he explained how an insulated water bottle works. I had hoped he’d be able to contribute his technical explanations more regularly. We even talked about doing a series where he pointed out Pinterest crafts that were actually fire hazards or otherwise bad ideas.
4. His cinematographer role on our Mt. Lemmon video.