Unpacking from BlogHer


I am back home and back to some sort of routine. I am listening to the news and heating water on the stove for morning cups of herbal tea while I pour cereal into a bowl. There is still a suitcase in the corner of my bedroom that clothing and swag and all these ziploc bags I used for packing are slowly seeping out of.

I have a bad habit of taking a long time to unpack. Sometimes a really long time. I promised Phillip I wouldn’t take so long this time, and then I remembered I couldn’t. I’ll be repacking that suitcase soon for our Colorado trip.

But it is taking longer than I thought for everything I brought back from the conference to find its place here at home. It will. For now, I’m still figuring out where it all goes. I’ll find a way to make it work and get ready for my next trip.


Even though it’s causing a bit of a time crunch, I’m so glad I went to the conference. It gave me exactly the answers I was looking for.

The night before I bought my last-minute ticket from my friend Mona, when I was still considering whether to say yes, I wrote a note for Phillip. He was already asleep, and I wanted to talk it all over with him. I knew I couldn’t count on my night-owl self to have a single coherent thought in the morning, so I wrote it all down.

blogher note

Maybe instead of waiting to figure out what I’m doing, I should see if this blog to book thing could work for me. 

So I went. I took a lot of notes (and a few photos), met a lot of wonderful people, listened.

I came back with answers, including another big yes.

Instead of thinking that I maybe want to write a book, I now plan to write a book. Maybe a series. (Yikes.) I have other ideas for this blog and for writing and traveling and crafting too.

I’m still trying to figure out where exactly this fits with the rest of my life. I know I’ll find a place for it all. I’ll find a way to make it work and get ready for what’s next.

teacup with laptop showing Travelcraft Journal in background

3 Replies to “Unpacking from BlogHer”

  1. Stephanie, I am right there with you, with saying yes. The novel (or novels) WILL happen. I’m tired of pussyfooting around whether or not I want to or can. I KNOW I want to and I KNOW I can. I believe in you, too. Get to writing!

    And, um, my suitcase is still in the floor and I’m not going anywhere else anytime soon (it is empty, though). One step at a time. I can’t unpack days upon return AND put the bag away too. (And surrounding the bag is the stuff from the CVS Minute Clinic THAT I LOVE AND NEED AND WANT).

    1. Thanks, Arnebya! I’m glad someone else has a similar suitcase-on-the-floor issue system! :)

      Keep me posted on the novel!

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